Link to badge spreadsheet for choice selection is located here: BADGES
Gold Badges
- Max # of total badges allowed = 8 (see restriction in choice selection link above)
- Badges are good for a players 4 year career
New Arch System Badge Path: HERE which helps you figure out which direction you want to go in with your badge path for your player. There are restrictions depending on what archetype you are. So please read the badge path as well as the badge ladder. Info in the two links above.
Its important to read this because if you upgrade to higher badge levels you will need to know the path of your archetype.
Please remember to fill out the badges you are puchasing after you purchase from the store here: LINK
- This product is a virtual online product ugprade used in the CSBA online experience.
Gold Badges
Excluding Sales Tax
Player upgrades are non-refundable after purchase.